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The title of the upcoming SPARZANZA album is “Circle“

A symbol that often represents aspects of time, life, secret societies, barriers you might shelter within or hidden borders that protects you from good or bad. Sometimes the circle may even be there for your own sake.

A circle is not something that has one specific meaning – it has several, so let the interpretation of this be in the eyes of the beholder

What can be considered as a fact is that SPARZANZA moves back and forth across the lines of the circle on this album. “We wanted to make something different this time – you hear it’s SPARZANZA – without a doubt, but we wanted to make a reaction to the last albums and we are all really thrilled of the outcome and look forward to playing the songs live” says the singerFredrik Weileby.

The overall sound of the album is the most natural sounding in their discography. The drum sound is in your face without being unnatural dry. The use of alternate tunings on the guitars has created a different sound than on the previous albums and the dark feel that was present on the ”Death is Certain, Life is Not” album is more subtle this time around, “Circle” is in overall the most brutal album in the SPARZANZA catalog. It has a rawness and special edge to it that we are really happy to have achieved.

What’s inside the Circle?

It is the most varied and dynamic album SPARZANZA have ever produced.

Not only that it contains the most brutal-and rawest-songs-and-grooves-that-will-make-heads-bang they have ever written, it also shows a different side on their songwriting skills that isdifferent from what’s been done before. Although it still has the SPARZANZAtrade mark sense of melodies. Fredrik Weileby has outdone himself with the most impressive vocal performances ever.

The first sample of the album is the single “Underneath My Skin”. A song with melodies most bands would die for. The single basically has everything that you could expect from a great SPARZANZA track – just a little bit more in every aspect….

Welcome inside the Circle

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