Ian Litovich
”I love Clayton picks because they adapt well to any style of music and being a session player I look for versatile tools that help me play through any musical situation. It all starts from these picks!”

Ian Michael Litovich (Born on December 11th 1990). From San Juan Puerto, Rico. Having been influenced by his father to consider playing an instrument, Ian began to explore his interest at a very young age. Enrique Litovich, also an accomplished musician, had raised Ian an environment filled with guitars, recording equipment, and passion for music. But it was upon hearing The Beatles’ ”Abbey Road” at 12 that Ian’s perception of music began to change. It wasn’t long before Ian pestered his father into teaching him his first guitar chords.
Ian supplemented his father’s lessons by listening to music, reading books and observing other performers. After practicing for one year Ian’s curiosity spread to the bass guitar. Heavily-influenced by Paul McCartney’s melodic bass playing, Ian taught himself to master it. Next he taught himself to play piano, applying the same fervor he’d used to learn guitar. His enthusiasm soon spread to learning the recording process. Taught by his father to use a standard cassette tape recorder, Ian quickly graduated to record on reel-to-reel tapes in a small studio that he’d built in his own room.
Ian got his first taste of playing live when he performed for his high school at the age of 15. People started to recognize his talent and soon he was invited to perform at almost every school activity.
Ian’s musical journey continued when he received a drum set for his 16th birthday. Ian taught himself to play the drums with the same curiosity and drive he’d approached everything else musical. Once he mastered the drums, he set out to conquer the last piece of the musical puzzle: vocals. Being the most difficult thing to master, he began to record himself singing (and playing) multi-track covers, analyzing his own performance and looking for ways to improve. It wasn’t long before Ian boiled down it all down to a polished vocal style.
By the age of 17 Ian began playing the local circuit with cover bands and at the same time writing and recording his own material. Ian soon began making contributions to local bands and artists landing his first few gigs as a session musician. As Ian earned the respect of local artists and musicians he began to make a name for himself. Videos he’d posted of his multi-track recordings on Youtube and Facebook of multitrack recordings gave him wide recognition as a multi-instrumentalist and self-producer.